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My Tuesday in Saint-Germain-Des-Près

The morning started with packing my bags (too bad...) and a coffee with my old neighbor. We are still in contact and even though she is 70 years old, it is awesome to see her!

After I went to Sakina's atelier

My dress was the sweetest gift from the sweetest girls of Liefste Fashion, in Den Bosch. This beautiful Sissel Edelbo dress was perfect for a day of traveling and still being lady-like in Paris.

Sakina and I went to the Champs Elysees, again, and bought make up in the very quiet Sephora.

It was time to say goodbye bye, and took the high speed Thalys back to my home.

Traveling solo is important to me. I love my boyfriend a lot, but I feel that I still need time to be just with myself, in the city that makes my heart spark. I missed Paris, but I also missed my boyfriend. A true dilemma about two great loves: where to be? Anyhow, I was very very happy to go back and to see Arthur again.

When I got home, he made the house look perfect, bought me flowers and a bottle of champagne. So so sweet, my heart melted.

I couldn't resist opening my bottle of St. Germain to create a sparkling Spritz with Arthur's champagne. It was a perfect night....

... the end


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